It is more for fun, than for serious substance. Google IME cannot be used for professional malayalam typing. However, the said technology has its own limitations. In fact, Google IME is the true reason for the rampant increase in malayalam blogging in the Internet. It is most popular among youngsters and bloggers. The said technology is based on phonetics or ManEnglish. The next popular method is Google IME / Transliteration. It is better for everyone to move out of ISM and adopt new technologies to input malayalam. A document created in ISM cannot be emailed unless the recipient too have ISM installed in their computer. It is because, ISM is based on ASCII (8bit) font and is no longer supported by Windows. The said technology has far outlived its original life span. Majority of the publishing houses and DTP centers use ISM 4(cracked) to input Malayalam. It is a sad fact that Malayalam still does not have a standard or perfect keyboard, which is compatible in all machines or works in all environments. ISM, Google IME / Transliteration, InScript etc are some to name a few, that lead the chaos. There are different methods to input Malayalam in computer.